Najwa: Jurnal Muslimah dan Studi Gender <p align="justify"><strong><em>Najwa: Jurnal Muslimah dan Studi Gender</em></strong> – is published by the Center for Gender and Child Studies (Pusat Studi Gender dan Anak) LP2M, STAI DDI Kota Makassar. Launched in 2021, the journal has been issued thrice a year every January, July and December. Najwa: Jurnal Muslimah dan Studi Gender invites scholarly articles on woman, gender and child studies from multiple disciplines and perspectives, including religion, education, psychology, law, social studies, etc. <em>Najwa: Jurnal Muslimah dan Studi Gender presents a critical reflection on the theory and practice of feminism and children in various contexts. The articles that publish must have authenticity and should be in line with editorial views.</em></p> STAI DDI Kota Makassar id-ID Najwa: Jurnal Muslimah dan Studi Gender Representasi Peran Perempuan terhadap Pengendalian Isu Seksualitas dalam Paradigma Phallusentris <p><em>As a discourse, knowledge about women sexuality embodies power relation by control, discipline and normalization. With this perspective, interpretation about woman sexuality that represented by term that attributed to women are related with a political interest. This meaning normalized with values, norms, and social practice mechanism until truth about woman and their sexuality accepted as undeniable truth. Phallucentric paradigm that becomes basis woman sexuality discourse is making man as interpretation subject. Therefore, woman positioned as sexual object that understood and defined with man perspective and interest. Woman subordination that placed them as passive figure sexually have making them loosing their sexual creativity and activity. This condition imply continuous social problem faced by women: sexual violence/harassment, trafficking, unhealthy sexual life, unwanted pregnancy, sexual infection.</em></p> Kamelia Hak Cipta (c) 2021 Kamelia 2021-01-26 2021-01-26 1 1 1 18 Kekerasan Berbasis Gender Online dalam Ranah Personal <p><em>This study aims to determine the causes of the act of “Online Gender-Based Violence in Personal Shutters”. This action can occur by anyone and anywhere that is closely related to health and human rights. Can lead to extreme consequences such as suicide, humiliation by the public, to the need for additional action by changing the name or address. Online gender-based violence in a personal setting is often used as a means of channeling revenge or forcing victims to achieve the wishes of the perpetrators of violence against women. This research uses descriptive quantitative method. Online gender-based violence on personal shutters occurs because of the lack of references and knowledge about technology and it is easy to receive news or information that contains lies without seeing and tracing further sources of information obtained. The results of this study examine the personal factors that cause online gender-based violence in the personal sphere.</em></p> Widyastuti Hak Cipta (c) 2021 Widyastuti 2021-01-26 2021-01-26 1 1 19 29 Analisis Polemik Pengesahan RUU Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Seksual (TPKS) <p><em>This paper aims to analyze the formation of the Draft Law on the Elimination of Sexual Violence from the perspective of Legal Politics and the series of class struggles that fought for the ratification of this bill. This paper attempts to analyze the political configuration in the Act, looking at the normative and empirical obstacles that occurred during the formation, design, until the polemic of ratification that occurred. The method used is a literature review approach, with online reviews. In the formulation of the Bill on the Elimination of Sexual Violence, there was a tug-of-war. Since 2016 until now, the Bill on the Elimination of KS has been in and out of Prolegnas several times, but so far it has not been ratified for various reasons given until it is clashed with religious beliefs. The tug-of-war discussion of the Bill on the Elimination of Sexual Violence shows the reluctance of the legislature to provide legal protection to the community. This paper draws a conclusion by looking at various aspects, that the Draft Law on the Elimination of Sexual Violence both in terms of ideas and in reality is needed by the community, especially women as the handling of violence against women.</em></p> Andi Sri Ratu Aryani Hak Cipta (c) 2021 Andi Sri Ratu Aryani 2021-01-26 2021-01-26 1 1 30 49 Kuasa Media dalam Mengeksploitasi Tubuh Perempuan di Industri Periklanan <p><em>&nbsp;The presence of women in an industry that specifically displays the face and shape of a woman's body as an attraction for consumers to buy products offered today is actually a disadvantage for women, because behind good packaging it provides advertisements that we can see. Including women's issues in it such as exploitation, imagery, and various stereotypes. At first glance, the industry only aims to market the products to be sold. However, there are actually stellar things hidden in an ad. The phenomenon of exploitation of women's bodies is increasingly being initiated by the existence of communication technology with various media that have many users. The tight competition of media entrepreneurs has become an influential factor in the phenomenon of exploitation of women's bodies. Writing this article aims to find out how the role and power of the media in exploiting women's bodies in the advertising industry. And the way we as women respond to this exploitation phenomenon. The method used by the author is a qualitative method whose data comes from various journals and articles supporting the topic that the author discusses.</em></p> Salsa Putri Nurbaiti Hak Cipta (c) 2021 Salsa Putri Nurbaiti 2021-01-26 2021-01-26 1 1 50 59 Resistensi Perempuan terhadap Kuasa di Balik Kasus Perampasan Ruang Hidup: Studi Ekofeminisme <p><em>The relationship between humans and the relationship between humans and the universe is important to understand further, especially in the current era of capitalism, the discussion of human actions that are very wrong in understanding their relationship to the universe, sees the universe (the product of the earth) as just fulfilling the necessities of life. The capitalist system that became the forerunner of the existence of a global disequilibrium condition, where the current capitalist system with its practice has many extractive companies that eventually cause a lot of damage to the earth. More than that, rampant land grabbing and reclamation of beaches are also the face of the current extractive capitalism system. Many people's living spaces have been usurped for the sake of only a few human groups, making subordinated communities not only silent seeing this condition, there are also many forms of resistance as a way to maintain their living space, especially women who in ecofeminism are very important in carrying out a form of resistance to forms of violence. expropriation of living space. Awareness of women must continue to be grown in view of the cruelty of the extractive capitalism system which deeply sucks the proletarian society and especially women.</em></p> Nurul Arni Askar Nur Hak Cipta (c) 2021 Nurul Arni, Askar Nur 2021-01-26 2021-01-26 1 1 60 72 Perempuan dan Kontestasi Kecantikan: Analisis Konstruksi Citra dalam Bingkai Media <p><em>Women and beauty, are certainly two things that are difficult to separate. The expansion of a number of beauty contests seems to be an event as well as a forum for women to display their ability to achieve a “beautiful” conception according to certain criteria. For this reason, this paper attempts to analyze qualitatively how the image of woman is determined in the construction of beauty that shaped socially. through analysis of literature, this paper attempts to explain how women are represented in a number of beauty context ultimately leads to the cpmmodification of women’s bodies which should become their autonomy.</em></p> Nurwahyuni Mirwan Hak Cipta (c) 2021 Nurwahyuni Mirwan 2021-01-26 2021-01-26 1 1 73 95