Peer-Review Process

Ad-Dariyah: Jurnal Dialektika, Sosial dan Budaya

is an Open Access journal that maintains the highest peer review standards while increasing process efficiency. All research articles published in  underwent a full peer review, its main characteristics are listed in below:

- All research articles are reviewed by at least two qualified experts according to the Blind peer review method.

- All publication decisions are made by the Editor in Chief of the journal based on the reviews provided.

- Editorial Board members provide insight, advice and guidance to the Editor in Chief in general and to assist in decision making on specific submissions.

- Managing Editors and Associate Editors provide administrative support that enables AL MA'ARIEF: Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial dan Budaya to maintain the integrity of peer reviews while providing fast turnaround and maximum efficiency for writers, reviewers and editors.

- Peer review of papers referred to the editorial board of AL MA'ARIEF: Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial dan Budaya will immediately decide whether to accept, reject or request revision of referenced papers based on editorial reviews and insights. In addition, Editors will have the option to search for additional reviews when needed. Authors will be notified when the Editor decides that further review is required.