Kekerasan Berbasis Gender Online dalam Ranah Personal
Kata Kunci:
Social media, violence, womanAbstrak
This study aims to determine the causes of the act of “Online Gender-Based Violence in Personal Shutters”. This action can occur by anyone and anywhere that is closely related to health and human rights. Can lead to extreme consequences such as suicide, humiliation by the public, to the need for additional action by changing the name or address. Online gender-based violence in a personal setting is often used as a means of channeling revenge or forcing victims to achieve the wishes of the perpetrators of violence against women. This research uses descriptive quantitative method. Online gender-based violence on personal shutters occurs because of the lack of references and knowledge about technology and it is easy to receive news or information that contains lies without seeing and tracing further sources of information obtained. The results of this study examine the personal factors that cause online gender-based violence in the personal sphere.
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